Archeology and Historic Preservation; Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines

Publication: Federal Register

Author: Dept. of the Interior

Date of Publication: 1983

PDF File: 1983-Archeology-and-Historic-Preservation-Secretary-of.pdf


This notice sets forth the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation. These standards and guidelines are not regulatory and do not set or interpret agency policy. They are intended to provide technical advice about archeological and historic preservation activities and methods. These Standards and Guidelines are effective on September 29, 1983. A Directory of Technical Information listing other sources of supporting information is available from the National Park Service. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Standards and Guidelines are prepared under the authority of Sections 101(f), (g), and (h), and Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. State Historic Preservation Officers; Federal Preservation Officers including those of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Smithsonian Institution and General Services Administration; the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; the National Trust for Historic Preservation; and other interested parties were consulted during the development of the Standards and Guidelines; additional consultation with these agencies will occur as the Standards and Guidelines are tested during their first year of use.