A Structural History Of The Old Stone Hotel In Daggett Utilizing Archaeological And Documentary Evidence

Old Stone Hotel

Publication: CSUSB Scholar Works

Author: Catherine Mary Banker

Date of Publication: 1994

PDF File: Banker-A-structural-history-of-the-Old-Stone-Hotel-in-Dag.pdf

URL: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/856

Copyright Info: Open Access


The Old Stone Hotel in Daggett, a State of California Point of Historical Interest, is the focus of this study. The original date of construction and owners is unknown. Old photographs, newspapers accounts, diaries, archaeological information, oral interviews and historical maps were utilized to determine the approximate date of construction. I contend that The Old Stone Hotel was built prior to the coming of the railroad in 1883 and was originally a one-story structure. Not only will a structural history give further insight into the history of The Old Stone Hotel but it will allow historians to better understand the early settlement patterns of the desert.