Recently, Nebraska State Historical Society archeologists worked with the Nebraska Game and Parks (NGPC) to conduct a pedestrian survey at Rock Creek Station, a stage and Pony Express station established in 1857 near present day Fairbury, Nebraska. Upcoming plans for Read More …
Most archaeology in Nebraska is conducted or sponsored by universities and various state and federal agencies including: the National Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, the Federal Highway Administration, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, the Nebraska Department of Roads, and History Nebraska (formerly the Nebraska State Historical Society). The Nebraska Archaeological Society is our state’s amateur archaeology organization. There have been thousands of archaeological sites discovered in the state of Nebraska and many dozens of these have been the subject of some level of detail excavation. Remarkably, this is the result of covering less than 10 percent of the land in Nebraska looking for sites. There are many more undiscovered archaeological sites in Nebraska and many unanswered questions about our past inhabitants.
Murdock Wagon Ruts, Nebraska
“When I Was A Lad, I Served A Term…”:Minor Adventures In Plains Archaeology In The 1950s and 1960s
Personal experiences in the upper Missouri and central Plains are described. The author worked with Carlyle S. Smith of the University of Kansas in 1951, 1952, 1953, and 1955 at sites in South Dakota. He directed excavations at various sites Read More …