![WSU Archaeology Field School](https://i0.wp.com/octa-trails.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Picture5.jpg?fit=624%2C351&ssl=1)
Publication: Washington State Parks Commission
Author: M. Leland Stilson & Dan Meatte
Date of Publication: 2003
PDF File: Field-Guide-to-WA-Arch_1.pdf
This book provides an overview of the archaeological resources of our state. It describes the discipline of archaeology, the kinds of sites found in the state, and how to protect these important places of our past. It was written as a field guide for personnel of the Washington State Department of Transportation and State Parks and Recreation Commission to help them address management responsibilities for archaeological resources. It describes types of sites that have been archaeologically investigated, offers suggestions on site protection, and lists potential sources of help. The reference section provides a list of books for further reading.