Archeological Investigations At The Hosterman Site In The Oahe Reservoir Area, Potter County, South Dakota

Niobrara Formation

Publication: The River Basin Surveys, Paper No. 35

Author: Carl F. Miller

Date of Publication: 1956

PDF File: Hosterman-SD.pdf


The Hosterman site, named for John B. Hosterman, owner of the property, is located in Potter County, South Dakota, on a high bluff on the east bank overlooking the Missouri River about 2% miles north of Whitlocks Crossing. It is on the western margins of the Coteau du Missouri, “that part of the Missouri Plateau section of the Great Plains province which lies east of the Missouri River. The name of the Coteau dates back to the days of the French fur traders. The bluff slopes gently toward the Missouri River, then pitches steeply into the river valley about a mile from the present stream.