Archaeological and Historical Resources Technical Memorandum: Hillsboro Airport Parallel Runway Project 12L/30R

Columbia River

Publication: Heritage Research Associates, Inc.

Author: Albert Oetting & Tama Tochihara

Date of Publication: June 2009

PDF File: hio_ea_appc2.pdf


Heritage Research Associates, Inc. gathered archaeological and historical background data for the proposed Parallel Runway 12L/30R at Hillsboro Airport (HIO), Hillsboro, Oregon. Systematic surveys of the defined Areas of Potential Effect (APE) were conducted to assess the likely presence of archaeological materials and the presence of potentially significant above-ground historical resources. The APE consists of industrial airport use surrounded by a mix of light residential and agriculture properties. No properties on or potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places are located within the APE. All of the land within the archaeological study area consists of open agricultural fields. Several archaeological investigations have been conducted in the vicinity of HIO, including three previous surveys on airport property. Archaeological sites have been recorded within one mile of HIO, but no prehistoric or historical archaeological materials have been identified on airport property.