Volunteers in Parks: Special Request

July 31st, 2021

We want to celebrate YOU for the Anniversary of VIP! When the Volunteer In Parks (VIP) Act was passed by Congress on July 29, 1970, it allowed parks to have “volunteers for or in aid of interpretive functions, or other visitor services or activities.” Since that moment, it has evolved into a vibrant network of talented volunteers across the nation who love contributing to parks’ missions. The program allows volunteers to lend talents, skills, or even learn new ones in partnerships beneficial to both the volunteer and parks (and trails!) It is because of you we have been able to work towards protecting, developing, and promoting the California and Oregon National Historic Trails!

In honor of the anniversary, we would love to share more about your experience as a volunteer. Please share with us your favorite project, your favorite trail experience, and include a photo if you can. Email NPS directly at ntir_information@nps.gov. Thank you for all that you do and for sharing your experience!