1/2 Trail Stories
Most of the trail stories which appear on our website are the work of Dr. Robert Munkres, OCTA’s resident historical expert. Many of these articles first appeared in the “Tombstone Epitaph,” published in Tombstone, Arizona.
These trail stories may be downloaded for personal reading convenience or to be used in the classroom. For all other uses you must first obtain permission. Call: (816) 252-2276
- Indians & Emigrants
- Sangamo Journal, Springfield, Illinois
- Accidents & Illness
- Children on the Trails
- Sarah Keyes, Donner Party
- Dr. William Todd’s Advice
- Fueling the Journey
- Grattan Massacre
- Gunning for the West
- Laughing on the Trails
- Let’s Make a Deal
- Mormon Trail Stories
- Trail Food
- Trail Medicine
- Trail Pets
- Where the Buffalo Roam
- Wild Trail, Wild Life