Frederick Richard Fulkerson

Frederick Richard Fulkerson
Natrona County, Wyoming


Frederick Richard Fulkerson, son of James M. and Mary Fulkerson, died July 1, 1847 while traveling to Oregon. In the spring of 1837 the Fulkerson family and many relatives were part of an Oregon-bound party composed primarily of members of the Old Florence Baptist Church near Jefferson City, Missouri.

Accounts of 18-year old Frederick’s death vary. In one account he died of fever; in another account he swam the Platte River and became chilled and exhausted, which led to his death. J. Goldsborough Bruff took note of Fulkerson’s grave on July 26, 1849, which was marked by an epitaph painted on a large granite boulder as a headstone.


From the Devil’s Gate Interpretive Site [Bureau of Land Management], head east on the old highway to Rattlesnake Pass. The grave is on the south side of this road. Look for the steel fence and wooden cross.

The site is open to the public.


Source: Randy Brown and Reg Duffin, Graves and Sites on the Oregon and California Trails, OCTA 2nd edition, 1998, pp 58-59

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