Elva Ingram

Elva Ingram
Platte County, Wyoming


On April 15, 1852, James and Ritta Ann Ingram left Salem, Iowa with their nine children for Oregon. They traveled in a wagon train with 40 people from four families and reached the Fort Laramie area on June 21, 1852.

Here is where four-year old Elva Ingram, the youngest Ingram daughter, died and was buried – the cause of her death is not known. The headstone may or may not be original.


Near Hartville, Platte County, Wyoming

From Hartville, take the Manville Highway north for about 1 mile. Turn left and follow the road downhill for ¾ mile to the foot of Emigrant Hill. Continue straight ahead up the winding road climing the hill, and turn left ¼ mile after reaching the top. The Ingram grave is in the pasture to the left, ¼ mile after turning.

The site is open to the public.


Source: Randy Brown and Reg Duffin, Graves and Sites on the Oregon and California Trails, OCTA 2nd edition, 1998, pp 38-39

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