Butterfield Overland Legislation

July 31st, 2021

Bill Martin, OCTA’s legislative liaison, was recently contacted by Senator Boozman’s (R-AR) office asking for our support in finding co-sponsors for the Butterfield Trail designation bill.

He has asked us specifically to contact Democratic Senators in the Butterfield Trail states to encourage them to co-sponsor his legislation. Frankly, he is concerned that, in today’s polarized political world, introducing the bill without Democrat co-sponsors will be fatal to its success.

Bill has several items to help you reach out:

1. A sample letter that can be sent over your signature to Democratic senators. Feel free to personalize it as you see fit.
2. An updated backgrounder on the Butterfield bill.
3. A list of Democratic Senators in California, Arizona and New Mexico that I hope you will reach out to.
4. Updated talking points on the Butterfield.
5. The text of the 2020 Senate bill (the bill Senator Boozman is preparing for 2021 will be identical).

Bill will be reaching out to the appropriate staff members in the Senators’ D.C. offices, but it will be extremely helpful if you can reach out to the offices in states in which you reside. Hearing from their constituents is important.